Turtle under Ice Page 12
Secondly, thank you so much to my greatest champion and agent, Brent Taylor. You believe that I can do anything, even when I’m not so sure myself! That support has helped carry me through for this novel. Thank you also to Uwe Stender for helping to bring great things to my work, and everyone at Triada US Literary Agency for the support and enthusiasm.
A very special thank-you to Nova Ren Suma. Thank you for the opportunity to attend Djerassi, and for your guidance, mentorship, and support. For me, Djerassi was truly transformative and will forever shape my future as a writer. The experience allowed me to remember what writing means to me, a love of the craft, process, and the experience of writing. It’s something that I must do for myself, whether or not something will ever be published or read by others, and that’s okay.
To my fellow writers of Djerassi—Cassie, Heather, Joanna, Kathryn, Mabelle, Naadeyah, Stephanie B., Stephanie F., Sunni, and Tashi—thank you for all the encouragement, feedback, advice, and community you have provided. Also, special shout-out to Tashi for the sticker party, bringing me joy every time I sit down and type on this laptop!
Thank you to Joy McCullough for reading a very early draft of this work and for all the writing and industry advice you’ve provided. I truly appreciate the time, energy, and support you’ve offered not just to myself, but to all the writers you mentor and champion. Thank you also to Rachel Lynn Solomon, who encouraged me to pitch the idea of this book to my agent and editor in the first place.
To my critique partners, your advice, writing tips, and craft book recommendations have helped me find a way through some of the tougher parts of this novel. To the Longmont ladies, Susan, Stephanie, Leslie, Eileen, and Penny (reverse couch order this time!).
To the Seattle folks, Ron, Carol, and Corbet. Thank you for the many years of working together and the support throughout.
Finally, to my parents, particularly my mom, who is my best bookseller. My sister. I am so grateful of the life we have as sisters. Being your sister is part of who I am. And to my husband, Steve. I know it was rough at times. Thank you for your patience throughout this whole process.
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About the Author
JULEAH DEL ROSARIO is Chamorro and Filipina and lives in Colorado, where she works as a librarian. She is the author of 500 Words or Less and Turtle Under Ice. Her favorite animal is and always has been a turtle.
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500 Words or Less
This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020
First Simon Pulse hardcover edition February 2020
Text copyright © 2020 by Juleah Swanson
Jacket illustration copyright © 2020 by Adams Carvalho
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Jacket designed by Laura Eckes
Interior designed by Mike Rosamilia
This book has been cataloged with the Library of Congress.
ISBN 978-1-5344-4295-5 (hc)
ISBN 978-1-5344-4297-9 (eBook)